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What is the Official Plan?
The Town of Amherstburg Official Plan, along with the County of Essex Official Plan, guide future growth and development in the Town over the long term. The Plan includes policies that guide the location and type of housing, industry, offices and shops, as well as the infrastructure required for the municipality such as streets, parks, transit, schools and recreational and community facilities.
Why is the Town reviewing of its Official Plan?
The current Official Plan was adopted in 2010. The review will determine how the Town has changed in the past ten years and update the Official Plan to help implement the County of Essex Official Plan. The Planning Act requires that every municipality update its Official Plan at least once every five years to ensure it still meets provincial policies and addresses the Town’s needs.
What’s next?
The Official Plan Review consists of several stages:
The progress of each stage will be presented to Council and reports will be made available to the public. These reports will help the Town understand the changes required and allow for public and stakeholder input.
How can I get involved?
Keep checking this webpage for new documents and notices of public meetings and open houses where you can ask questions and provide feedback on the Official Plan. Or, you can send comments and ask questions at any time by contacting the following:
The Official Plan is Council's long term framework for decision making to guide future growth and development within the Town for the next 20 years.
The Plan sets the context for detailed planning by protecting the environment, managing resources, directing growth and setting the basis for providing services efficiently and effectively.
The Plan provides direction for future planning activities and for public and private initiatives aimed at improving the existing physical environment. The Official Plan is a comprehensive document which contains goals, objectives, policies and schedules.
The current Official Plan was adopted in 2010. The Town of Amherstburg will conduct the mandated five year Official Plan review in early 2016. The review of the Town's Plan will ensure that changes to the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) are implemented through policy updates. Public consultation at the outset and throughout the Official Plan review process is an essential component.
Once an Official Plan is in effect, it guides the municipality's planning decisions. It means that:
An official plan amendment is a formal document that changes the Town's Official Plan. Changes may be needed because of new circumstances in the community or a request by an individual property owner. Consultation with the Manager of Planning Services prior to acceptance of an official plan amendment application is a pre-requisite.
As part of the Official Plan Amendment process, a statutory public meeting of Council must be held. Formal notice is given in the local newspaper and a written notice is given to adjacent property owners and tenants within 120 metres of the property under consideration. Council must give notice of the public meeting at least 20 days before it may pass a by-law approving the amendment. In most cases, the Planning Act provides for an appeal of an Official Plan Amendment granted by the County of Essex, subject to specific rules of appeal. Final approval of an Official Plan Amendment does not take effect until it is approved by the County of Essex as the approval authority.