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Property taxes are the Town of Amherstburg's main source of income. The taxes allow us to continue to provide the important municipal programs and services you value and expect.

The final property tax bill is made up of three main components:

  1. Education taxes - This tax rate is set by the Province of Ontario and remitted to the local school board you support.
  2. Municipal taxes- The tax rate covers the costs of supplying municipal services based on town council's adoption of our annual budget. Revenues from provincial grants, user fees and other sources are deducted from the total expenses, resulting in a final amount that needs to be raised through taxation.
  3. County taxes- A portion of the taxes collected for all residents of the Town of Amherstburg is paid to the County to support the various services provided by them.

Your Final Tax Bill includes line items for the following Council approved levies:

  • Capital Replacement Levy
  • Capital Reserve Levy
