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Trees and Yards


The Town of Amherstburg Tree By-law [2016-94] regulates the planting, preservation, maintenance and removal of public trees, including the cleanup of debris falling from such trees, within the Town of Amherstburg.

If you need to report a tree on public property that requires any maintenance (trimming\ inspection) or has fallen, please contact our Public Works Department at 519-736-3664.


We would all like to live in a place where things are kept clean and where we feel safe. The Town of Amherstburg Yard Maintenance By-law [2005-60] is in place to make certain that refuse is not being hoarded, dumped, or poorly contained on properties. The By-law also sets standards for the overall maintenance of grass and weeds.

This by-law is enforced through complaints received in the By-law Enforcement Department.