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The lay members act as a Drainage Board to "facilitate" the carrying out of procedures under the Drainage Act. The Board considers all drainage matters inclusive of the Meeting to Consider and Court of Revision.
The Board's mandate is as follows:
Conduct a meeting to consider the preliminary and/or final report in accordance with Sections 10(2) and 42 of the Drainage Act and decide on adoption of the report.
Sit as a Court of Revision (3 members) as defined in Section 97 of the Drainage Act to hear appeals on assessments as outlined in Sections 52 to 56 of the Drainage Act and make final decisions as a Court.
Hear all resident complaints respecting drainage matters.
Assist administration in creation/revision of drainage policies and procedures for the consideration and approval of Council.
The Board may recommend to Council the expulsion of a member for reasons as listed, but not limited to, a member in contravention of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Provincial Offences Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act; disrupting the work of the Board or other legal issues.
Nicole Humber - Recording Secretary
Sam Paglia, Drainage Superintendent - Staff Liaison
Contact the Staff Liaison
Email: Drainage Superintendent / Engineering Coordinator
Phone: 519-736-0012 ext. 2318
Fax: 519-736-7080
If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, please check our Committee Vacancies page for current openings.
The Drainage Board meets on a monthly basis. Please keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming meetings.
The Committee's terms for reference, meeting agendas and minutes are also available for viewing.