The role of the Economic Development Advisory Committee is to advise Town Council on matters related to the Town's socio-economic development including:
- supporting and enhancing the Town of Amherstburg strategic plan and other economic development programs;
- opportunities, tools, policies and by-laws to support existing business retention and expansion and new business investment and attraction;
- funding opportunities from both Federal and Provincial levels of government to be used for programs and projects to support economic and community initiatives; and
- facilitating communication between various business, commerce, and marketing organizations in Amherstburg and with the community-at-large regarding business, investment and community development.
The Economic Development Advisory Committee is comprised of two (2) Council members and five (5) appointed members from the public.
- Council Representative - Councillor Crain
- Council Representative - Councillor Pouget
- Committee Member - Alan Buterbaugh (Vice Chair)
- Committee Member - Michael Deneau
- Committee Member - Jack Edwards
- Committee Member - Kenneth Morrison
- Committee Member - Patricia Simone (Chair)
- Staff Liaison - Melissa Osborne, Deputy CAO/Director of Development Services
- Selena Scebba - Recording Secretary
Contact the staff liaison
Email: Melissa Osborne
Phone: 519-736-0012 ext. 2137
Fax: 519-736-5403
TTY: 519-736-9860
The Economic Development Advisory Committee meets on a quarterly basis. Please refer to the Council and Committee Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this Committee, please check our Committee Vacancies page for current openings.
The Committee's Terms of Reference and meeting agendas and minutes are also available for viewing.