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Image of a person riding a bike on a trail

Essex Region Conservation Authority Trails

The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) manages the natural resources in the County of Essex and its lower tier municipalities.

In the Essex Region, we are fortunate to have more than 80 km of connected, safe, off-road greenway trails. These include the Chrysler Canada Greenway, the Cypher Systems Group Greenway, and the Rotary (1918) Centennial Hub. These trails were designed for multiple uses, including hiking, cycling, nature observation and in some areas, for horseback riding.

Learn more about ERCA Trails! 

County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS)

With its flat terrain and stunning shoreline vistas, Essex County is home to some of the best bicycling and walking opportunities in the province, if not the country. The County Wide Active Transportation System seeks to leverage these natural attributes by building an ever-expanding network of trails and pathways. 

Over the next 15 years, CWATS will link seven local municipalities with an active transportation network spanning some 800 km. The program promotes healthy and active lifestyles. It recognizes the importance connected trails can play in supporting both tourism and residential development.  Residents can easily access this network and tourists can use it to visit historic sites or area wineries. 

Learn more about CWATS!

Libro Centre Trail

The trail at the Libro Centre is 3 km long and ideal for walking and biking. It extends around the parameter of the Libro Centre with a portion of the trail running along Big Creek.  Benches and story boards are installed at various points.  

Golfview Park Wetlands and Trails

Along the back of Golfview Park is a grassed path that extends around the water retention pond. To east are 2 ponds with a limestone path around them and small parking lot for 2-3 cars at the end of Linwood Drive off Golfview Drive.

Canard Estates Wetlands and Trail

Future trail under construction.