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Development Services Team

The Town of Amherstburg is open for business! The Development Services Team is ready to assist you with your plans to build or develop a home or business. Contact the Development Services today.

Director of Development Services
Melissa Osborne
519-736-5408  Ext 2137

The Development Services Team
Planning ServicesBuilding Services 

Manager of Planning Services

Chris Aspila

519-736-5408 Ext 2124

Chief Building Official

Angelo Avolio

519-736-5408 Ext 2136


Sarah French

519-736-5408 Ext 2145

Deputy Chief Building Official

Robert Unis

519-736-5408 Ext 2121

Janine Mastronardi

519-736-5408 Ext 2134

 Sr. Building Inspector/ Plans Examiner

Trevor Spitse

519-736-5408 Ext 2138

Planner, Heritage, UD, CI

Adam Coates
519-736-5408 Ext 2147

Building Clerk
Michelle Lavin Faucher

519-736-5408 Ext 2127

Planning Clerk

Renee Guthrie

519-736-5408 Ext 2125