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New Development Process & Progress

Image of shoreline along King's Navy Yard Park

The Town of Amherstburg provides high quality services and amenities to both residents and businesses at taxation rates that are affordable and very competitive.

The major upgrade to the Amherstburg Wastewater Treatment Plant provides the available treatment capacity for new developments for the next 40 years. Land areas have been set aside and approved in various locations of the Town to accommodate a significant amount of growth, both in existing neighbourhoods and as part of future planned developments.

There are also pre-designated vacant commercial and industrial sites located in the Town. Some of these sites are situated within the Town core, while a large industrial area is directly on the Howard Avenue transportation corridor leading to the Highway 401.

Development Process

The Town of Amherstburg staff will guide you through the development process and building permit process in a timely and efficient manner.  Amherstburg strives to ensure a quick and seamless process to ensure that your needs and deadlines are achieved in accordance with applicable law. 

To begin your development process please contact the Development Services Team. 

 Development Charges Study
2024 Development Charges Study 

Development charges are used to fund services usable by all who live within the Town of Amherstburg.  These services include:

  • Services Related to a Highway - Roads and Related
  • Public Works (facilities and fleet)
  • Fire Protection Services
  • Policing Services
  • Parks and Recreation Services
  • Growth Studies
  • Water/Wastewater Services

A Development Charges Background Study, led by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., was adopted in 2024. This comprehensive study forecasts growth and eligible local municipal services.

By-law 2024-085, approving the Development Charges By-law, will implement the Development Charges starting January 1, 2025. For more details, refer to our Development Charges Pamphlet or consult the Development Charges Act.

 Development Manual
In an effort to make the development process more efficient, we have consolidated the development requirements into the Development Manual.

The manual outlines the steps to be followed for processing development applications. It is hoped that the Town's ratepayers, developers, contractors, lawyers and consultants will find this a useful document. Any suggestions on improving this document should be addressed to the Manager of Engineering and Operations for the Town of Amherstburg. This manual will be updated from time to time. The date of the revisions is noted at the bottom of each page and in the revision section of this manual. You should confirm with the office of the Manager of Engineering and Operations that you have the most up-to-date revision prior to making use of the contents of this manual. This Town reserves the right to amend this manual at any time.

Download the Development Manual


Municipal Infrastructure
To view Municipal Infrastructure page CLICK HERE.
 Future Commercial Development
The Town of Amherstburg has embarked on an aggressive development plan of new and upgraded infrastructure.  As a result, Amherstburg looks forward to community advancement and growth in the future.

Subdivisions with Draft Plan Approval

  • Canard Development Estates Phase II- located on the south side of Middle Sideroad in McGregor
  • Mulberry Court Subdivision- east of Pacific Avenue and west of Martin Crescent.
  • Woodland Trails Subdivision- located on the north side of Middle Sideroad in McGregor

Future Commercial Developments

  • 131-135 Sandwich St. S- New Commercial Development Harvey's Fast Food Restaurant.
  • 51-57 Sandwich St. S- New Commercial Development Dairy Queen Fast Food Restaurant.

For additional information on the items above please contact the Manager of Planning Services. 

 Future Residential Developments
 Due to substantial public capital investment the Town is well positioned for growth. The last five years have brought to Town many new developments including residential and commercial projects. The list below represents a summary of developments that have obtained planning approvals.

New Developments Coming Soon in the Community

  • 247 Brock St.- redevelopment of House of Shalom-16 unit Condominium called The Lofts 
  • 219 Brock St.- New Brock Multi-Unit Residential Project with 75 units.
  • 225 Sandwich St. S- Currently under construction Rivers Edge Apartments with 114 units.
 Zoning Maps
Zoning By-law 1999-52, as amended, governs the use of all lands, buildings and structures in the Town of Amherstburg and how a use, building or other structure may be located on a property.

Before a building permit can be issued for proposed changes to property, including additions to an existing building, a parking lot expansion or the construction of a home addition or deck, the Building department must confirm that the project meets the requirements of the zoning by-law applicable to that use, property, building or structure.