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Rent a Park


The Town of Amherstburg Recreation Department oversees the booking of public park spaces for wide range of outdoor activities such as weddings, fundraising events, performances, family gatherings and more. Below are the Parks available to rent:

  • Toddy Jones Park Pavilion
  • Malden Centre Park Pavilion
  • King Navy Yard Park to hold a Wedding Ceremony: Gazebo or Wisteria Pillar

To Book any of the available Parks listed above, please contact the Department of Recreation Guest Services at 519-736-5712 or Contact the recreation department via e-mail.

Things to know before booking

  • Contract holders must have a copy of their contract with them at all times during their event. This contract acts as a proof of rental and includes the conditions set by the Department of Community Services.
  • Contract holders must adhere to all terms of conditions as well as the conditions set forth by Town By-Laws.
  • If a non-permitted user is occupying the park space during the rental period, please contact Town staff that may be available on-site or call 519-736-5712.